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منح من جامعة برلين

منح من جامعة برلين

30 نوفمبر 2021 | نشر فى أخبار مكتب العلاقات الدولية. قرأ 937 مرة.

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تعلن جامعة برلين الحرة، مكتب الاتصال بالقاهرة، عن الفرص التالية:

Doctoral Fellowships at the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course (LIFE) 

Up to 3 three-year Doctoral Fellowships. The official language of the LIFE Research School is English. Deadline: November 30, 2021. 


Rising Star – Junior Fellowships 

Fellowship for outstanding early-career researchers in the fields of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy. Applications will be accepted by November 30 (selection is expected to take place in February). 

Graduate School of North American Studies (GSNAS) 

3 Doctoral Grants and 7 doctoral memberships are available. The Deadline for Application is November 30, 2021

IPS programme for the Arab countries 

The German Bundestag invites highly motivated graduates from the Arab region to take part in a scholarship programme in Berlin from 1 to 30 September each year. Deadline for applications: 1 December 2021. 

Max Plank School of Cognition 

A doctoral program for exceedingly bright students with strong academic experience in areas related to cognition. Deadline for Application is December 01, 2021. 

Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies 

Two Scholarships for Doctoral Studies in the “Ancient Objects and Visual Studies” (AOViS) program. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2021 at 12:00 noon CEWT. 

Get Your Math PhD in Berlin 

An excellent doctoral program taught in English open to candidates with a Bachelor or a Master‘s degree. Deadlines are December 01, 2021 (with scholarship) and April 01, 2022 (without scholarship). 

FUBiS: Registration for Term l 2022 is open! 

FUBiS - International Summer and Winter University of the Freie Universität Berlin - offers intensive and semi-intensive German language classes in summer and winter. Apply now before December 6, 2021. 

FUB-ContinuEd: Full Scholarships available 

6 full scholarships for participation in the Spring 2022 FUB-ContinuEd online courses. The application deadline is December 10, 2021. 

The International Max Planck Research School for Biology AND Computation (IMPRS-BAC) 

IMPRS-BAC provides an education for students at the interface of molecular life sciences and computational sciences. Apply now before January 7th, 2022

Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering 

The “Berlin International Graduate School of Natural Sciences and Engineering” (BIG-NSE) is offering seven three-year scholarships/positions for a PhD in Berlin in the field of catalysis. The next deadline for application is January 15, 2022

International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences 

An interdisplinary, international graduate program, which addresses both students of medicine or of life sciences (biology, biophysics, chemistry, psychology etc.). Next deadline for application is January 15, 2022. 


PhD opportunities at the Dahlem Research School of the FU Berlin 

Doctoral Grants and Doctoral Memberships with NO DEADLINE for Applications at Graduate Schools of the Freie Universität Berlin #FUBerlinCairoSupports