رؤية البرنامج
يتطلع برنامج هندسة نظم الحاسبات بكلية الهندسة بشبرا جامعة بنها أن يكون برنامجا رائدا في التعليم والبحث العلمي في مجالات هندسة نظم الحاسبات علي المستويين الإقليمي والدولي وأن يقدم خدمة مجتمعية متميزة للمجتمع والبيئة المحيطة.
رسالة البرنامج
اعداد خريج مزود بالمعارف والمهارات في مجال هندسة نظم الحاسب التي تؤهله للمنافسة في سوق العمل محليا وإقليميا، وانتاج بحث علمي، مما يسهم في نشر ثقافة الابتكار وريادة الأعمال والمسئولية المجتمعية، وذلك في إطار القيم الإنسانية والأخلاقية.
مواصفات خريج برنامج هندسة نظم الحاسب
NARS 2018 Graduate Attributes
The Engineering Graduate must-
Master a wide spectrum of engineering knowledge and specialized skills and can apply acquired knowledge using theories and abstract thinking in real life situations
Apply analytic critical and systemic thinking to identify, diagnose and solve engineering problems with a wide range of complexity and variation
Behave professionally and adhere to engineering ethics and standards
Work in and lead a heterogeneous team of professionals from different engineering specialties and assume responsibility for own and team performance
Recognize his/her role in promoting the engineering field and contribute in the development of the profession and the community
Value the importance of the environment, both physical and natural, and work to promote sustainability principles
Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice
Assume full responsibility for own learning and self-development, engage in lifelong learning and demonstrate the capacity to engage in post- graduate and research studies
Communicate effectively using different modes, tools, and languages with various audiences; to deal with academic/professional challenges in a critical and creative manner
Demonstrate leadership qualities, business administration and entrepreneurial skills
:Computer Engineering Program Graduate Attributes
Writing computer programs at professional levels that meet acceptable quality standards in the field of development software using specialized computer software, computational tools, and packages
Analyze operations, realize requirements and constraints of projects and, consequently, achieve an appropriate cost-effective design
Professional integration of knowledge, engineering understanding and feedback to improve product and service design
Design, create and analysis algorithm, component, or system process and implement specialized engineering designs
Use techniques and skills in designing and implementing intelligent methods in different applications, such as computer vision, machine learning, mining big data, speech, and natural language processing